Scribeme | Softwares



Introducing the world's first AI built-in to PowerPoint. Use our PowerPoint AI feature to extract text and describe images using AI.


Winner Of The Vodafone AI Assistive Tools Hackathon. Introducing the world's first AI built-in to PowerPoint. Use our PowerPoint AI feature to extract text and describe images using AI. Additionally, you can ask AI to describe what's on your screen using our new Snap nScribe feature. Also, use ScribeMe to extract text from PDF's using OCR. Download the app and start exploring now! Note: This app is developed for the blind and visually impaired.


ScribeMe Reviews


بإستخدام هذا التطبيق أصبح الشخص الكفيف قادرً على التعامل مع ملفات الباوربوْينت التي لطالما كانت معضلة صعبة الحل بالنسبة للمكفوفين ولاكن الآن أصبح الأمر أسهل يوجد دقة في إستخراج ووصف الملفات والصور إلى مزيد من التقدم


Awesome idea for a great app. Looking forward to more.


This app is a tremendous help, it just makes pdf conversion so much easier and only takes seconds!


Just installed the app and it's an extremely useful tool for the blind and visually impaired. Thank you to the developer for coming up with such a concept! Reading powerpoint documents has become far more accessible! Please keep up the superb work